Personal data sold without your knowledge

How does this affect you?

Somewhere in the world, a data broker is probably selling your data -- your medical history, purchases, education, government ID numbers, call records and much more. And companies are bidding for it. Did you have any idea?

Why does it matter? Well, have you wondered where all those random spam messages and calls come from? And how some fraudsters call us posing as our bank? They've bought our data (and your privacy) for a few rupees. And most of us never knew.

Somewhere in the world, a data broker is probably selling your data -- your medical history, purchases, education, government ID numbers, call records and much more. And companies are bidding for it. Did you have any idea?

Why does it matter? Well, have you wondered where all those random spam messages and calls come from? And how some fraudsters call us posing as our bank? They've bought our data (and your privacy) for a few rupees. And most of us never knew.

What else should you know about?

You may not have, or be aware of, adequate grievance redressal mechanisms against digital abuse or harm on social media platforms.

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